Miles Talent Hub, a division of Miles Education, stands at the vanguard of revolutionizing the accounting landscape in the United States. Our innovative educational solutions are not just alternatives to outsourcing; they are redefining the future of the accounting profession by equipping both domestic and international graduates with unparalleled skills and qualifications.

CPA Recruiting firms

Key Initiatives Include

The Miles STEM Pathway for
International Talent:

By transforming Master’s in Accounting programs at top U.S. universities into STEM-designated courses, the Miles STEM Pathway allows international graduates to stay and work in the U.S. for up to 3 years under Optional Practical Training (OPT). This initiative is a game-changer, filling immediate staffing needs while infusing the U.S. economy with diverse, skilled talent ready to tackle complex public accounting engagements.

Miles CPA Pathway Making CPA
Accessible for Domestic U.S. Talent:

In collaboration with Franklin University, the Miles CPA Pathway provides an affordable, integrated route for U.S. accounting undergraduates to achieve the necessary 150 credits for CPA licensure. At just $99 per credit, this program dismantles financial barriers, creating unprecedented opportunities for U.S. graduates to advance their careers and meet the soaring demand for qualified accountants.

Miles Masterclasses Rebranding
the Accounting Profession:

With the upcoming launch of Miles Masterclasses, we aim to revolutionize perceptions of the accounting profession. Led by industry thought leaders, these masterclasses are designed to make accounting exciting and "cool." By challenging stereotypes and showcasing the dynamic, impactful nature of accounting, we seek to attract fresh talent into the field.


Looking ahead, Miles Talent Hub continues to innovate and expand its offerings to meet the evolving needs of the accounting industry. Through cutting-edge educational programs and practical experiences, we not only address current shortages but also prepare the accounting profession for future challenges and opportunities.


At Miles Talent Hub, we are not just educating accountants; we are creating industry leaders, innovators, and trailblazers who will shape the future of accounting. Our mission is ambitious, our vision is bold, and our impact is monumental. Join us in transforming the world of accounting and building a brighter, more skilled future.

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